Time and Man: "Past Present Future PerfeKt" Brooches

"Today" Brooch - Tantalum, Silver, Stainless Steel by Eva Suba
"Today" Brooch - Tantalum, Silver, Stainless Steel by Eva Suba
"Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" Brooches - Tantalum, Sterling Silver, Stainless Steel by Eva Suba
"Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" Brooches - Tantalum, Sterling Silver, Stainless Steel by Eva Suba



Fragments of time are something personal. Whatever has happened in the past, the human carries it buried deep under the skin – it eventually evolves into impacting future. The man-made landscape mirrors the human mind and soul. Mankind modifies its surroundings just like the man‘s personality changes thanks to experiences, things that one learns. The alteration of landscapes is the visual expression of human change. These wearable objects reflect on time, it's impact on the human landscape: our very own personality changing along the 4th dimension.

Tantalum is one of the rarest metals on Earth, it's characteristics distinguish it from all other kind of metals. It's easy to indulge on its mesmerising qualities and it's complicated to transform it. Associating this feature with what time does on a human over the course of years is not an everyday correlation.